Centhaquine (Lyfaquin®) is a novel, first-in-class resuscitative agent for the treatment of hypovolemic shock.
It acts on α2B adrenergic receptors to produce venous constriction and increase venous return to the heart, resulting in an increase in cardiac output and improved tissue perfusion. Centhaquine also acts on central α2A adrenergic receptors to reduce sympathetic drive and decrease systemic vascular resistance contributing to an improved tissue blood perfusion. Mechanism of action of centhaquine makes it an ideal candidate for the treatment of patients with hypovolemic shock.
Enhancing tissue blood perfusion is a significant advantage in reducing the volume of resuscitation and preventing extravasation of fluid and adverse effect of lung edema. Centhaquine does not act on beta-adrenergic receptors, and therefore the risk of arrhythmias is mitigated.
Safety and efficacy of centhaquine was evaluated extensively in preclinical models, healthy volunteers and in patients. Centhaquine was found to be effective in multi-center, randomized, placebo-controlled phase II and III clinical studies with significant improvement in blood lactate levels, base deficit, blood pressure and mortality.
Centhaquine has been launched in India under the brand name Lyfaquin®.